Hi! I’m Jonathan, a data scientist from San Diego, CA. I specialize in statistical analysis, financial technology, and the intersection between deep learning + biomedicine.


Business Analytics → Grand & Strand LLC, San Diego, 2022–2024
Independent Research → San Diego, CA, 2022-2024


Machine Learning Engineering → UC San Diego, Extended Studies
Bachelor of Arts, Economics → San Diego State University, College of Arts & Letters


biomedical research

collaborated with a team of 6 engineers and medical students to explore statistical analysis of post-operative complications as well as deep learning models to perform CT segmentation.

feather data (website)

designed and implemented a website for an open-source data management effort. collaborated with fellow engineers and bartenders alike to create a product that utilizes OCR to streamline paper inventory processes.

feather data (repository)

repository for the underlying software behind the feather effort. utilizes OCR, machine learning, python, & openpyxl.

credit card fraud detection

ran various machine learning algorithims on credit card data to find the model which was most accurate in predicting fraudulant purchases.

bee population dashboard

interactive dashboard of bee population data using Dash, Python, and Streamilt.

automatic machine learning - stock market data

utilized pycarot to create a site for users to select date ranges and ticker symbols to automatically run a variety of time series algorithms to determine the best model for their data.

PDF text extraction

utilized Azure Form Recognizer and Streamlit to create a script to pull values from documents filled out by hand.

surf report web scraper

allows a user to specify a geographical location and utilize Stormglass API to gather data regarding local surf conditions such as wave height and swell size.